Wednesday, June 9, 2010

♥ she is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.

ever since i learned how to read (and probably even before that)
i have been madly in love with books. my favorite memories
from childhood were receiving unexpected clothing boxes full of
books for christmas, forcing my siblings to play library,
making my father photocopy and enlarge pictures of books
so that i could hang them on my wall as posters (nerd!),
and still to this very day, there is not a night that
small pile of books between our pillows.

for this very reason alone, i am quite smitten with
this website that i spotted in this month's lucky magazine:
out of print clothing. the mission of this company is not only to
spread the love of reading by having nerds like me wear their
heart (aka, favorite book cover) on their sleeve (or chest),
but also partnering with books for africa to donate one
book for every shirt sold.

my favorite part is their description of the relaxed fit of their tees:
"each shirt is treated to feel soft and worn like a well read book"

2 ♥ love notes.:

  1. I went into Left Bank Books in nyc on Monday, thought of you obviously!

  2. how did you know modern fiction is my absolute favorite? you would not have been able to get me outta that store!


♥ tell me how you really feel!